What a morning! I had arrived in our new home after an eight hour flight, no wait 10 hour flight (delays obviously) with two children one was five days short of her second birthday and the second was just four. They of course did not sleep even for five minutes! I had to take both kids with me to the tiniest airplane loos in the world as no one offered to mind one, I couldn't ask as I am supermum and supermums never ask for help, but if offered we would take it before your sentence was over.
So we landed safely, waited an eternity for security and bags, but it was all worth it because the children could once again be reunited with their dad, yipee!
However, the drama wasn't over, my little nearly two year old saw her daddy and ran as fast as her little legs could take her to hug, hold and kiss him again. Yes we all saw it coming like in slow motion and we couldn't stop her, the glass partitioning didn't open and she went crashing into the glass door. Oh the tears, the screams, but daddy was able to get to her and comfort his little baby.
We finally make it home, kids in bed and shortly after so am I due to pure exhaustion.
Morning comes, everyone is excited exploring our new home. Then it happened the most terrifying monstrosity I had ever seen!
It was huge, it was fast, it had legs, antennas, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a cockroach!
Wait a minute, I am supermum, I must protect my children from danger, but how? I was in a new place and had no defence, no strategy, apart from my slippers. I placed the kids away from danger and I move in for the kill, OK so I got it on my second try, but hey I did!
The rest of the day was spent playing, colouring and doing what children do.
Kids were finally in bed and that was my cue to go for a much needed shower. FINALLY I sighed when I feel the water spray all over my hair, I run my fingers through with a huge smile which immediately turns into disgust.
There was something in my hair! Something pointy! Something sticky! I couldn't scream as I would wake the kids, what do I do? Stay calm! Stay focused! You are supermum and just killed the mummy cockroach this morning, you can handle this, even if it's in your hair! Deep breath... Eyes closed I reach for this creature in my hair, I hold on to it, open my eyes and slowly open my hand to reveal a small glittery sticker.
A huge smile takes over my face and once again I have proven to myself that I can conquer the world!
Now the waiting game...